Cecile and Her Very Own Universe (partially found animated segments; 2000)

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Phred on Your Head Show Cecile and Her Very Own Universe TV Noggin Logo.gif

The aforementioned promotional picture.

Status: Partially Found

Cecile and Her Very Own Universe was a 2-3 minute animated segment aired as part of the last five episodes of the Phred on Your Head Show on Noggin in 2001.[1][2]

One short clip and only a few images exist on the Internet. A description of the series available on the production company FableVision's press news article[3] is shown below:

"A cartoon heroine for the new millennium, Cecile is a 12-year-old girl living in the huge, sprawling underground future world of Metro. She has a bionic arm, a canine computerized companion, and a secret. While everyone else is busy digging to the center of the giant planet, Cecile is doing the opposite. They don't know that she has a life "on the surface" where her curiosity leads her again and again. What she learns there lies at the heart of this unusual series, and her private diaries posted on Noggin.com will provide an intimate glimpse into her thoughts and feelings, and hopefully inspire viewers to chronicle their own thoughts and experiences. While tapping into kids' natural passion for science fiction, the series is designed to model the joy of discovery, exploration, and curiosity through a young girl's insatiable appetite for learning. Cecile generates her own questions, investigates the unknown, and joyfully shares her discoveries with others. Her character embodies a never-ending delight for learning."

The only known voice actor is Jeff Skowron as Chuck.[4]


A short clip from a Fablevision Demo Reel ~0:37.

External Link
