A Clockwork Orange (lost deleted scenes from dystopian-crime film; 1971)

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Clockwork orange poster.jpeg

Theatrical poster.

Status: Lost

Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 film adapted from Anthony Burgess' 1962 novella of the same name. It stars Malcolm McDowell as Alex DeLarge, who faces social reform after he is betrayed by his gang of droogs after a failed robbery and murder. The film released to critical acclaim and received several academy award nominations (including best picture), despite social controversy surrounding copycat crimes - influencing Kubrick to pull distribution in the United Kingdom for decades.

A Clockwork Orange is an unusually faithful adaptation of the source material, coming from Stanley Kubrick. His screenplay directly pulled dialogue and scenes from the book, with only minor restructuring and additions. That being said, there were several scenes omitted from the final cut of the film for various reasons.

List of Deleted Scenes

Attack on the Librarian

Originally, the film began with Alex and his droogs assaulting a librarian on a cold, winter night. After bumping into him, Alex began to tear apart the books in his hands and rip them.

According to Malcolm McDowell, the scene was filmed in Aylesbury on January 27th, 1971 (at Friars Square, to be exact) :

"...the town square was decorated with giant rubber ducks, weird animals, they were huge and we accosted an old guy from the library. I ripped out these priceless books that he had and I threw them up. I remember my line, and it was taken from the book, it was: "There's a mackerel of a cornflake for you." The pages ripped from the book fall like confetti. The retribution was that Alex goes to the library when he is cured and all the old codgers in the library go: "You were the one!"[1]

Comedian Billy Russell portrayed the librarian. It is unknown if the latter scene where the librarian and codgers get revenge was ever filmed. Many have speculated that the scenes could have been cut due to Russell's death in November 1971 - this unlikely as principal photography wrapped up in April. It's more likely it was omitted for pacing, as having two separate attacks on the elderly (with the homeless man scene) one after another would feel redundant.

The Droogs Find an Alibi

A scene was filmed but omitted during principal photography where Alex's gang visit the Duke of New York to find an alibi in advance. Alex and his droogs bribe three elderly women by purchasing them drinks and food. The Droogs leave the bar for ten minutes to rob a shop, before returning and ordering beers with the ladies.

The scene was filmed at the Rainbow Bar on September 7th, 1970 -- a different location from the Duke of New York eventually seen in the actual film. Helen Ford, Olive Mercer and Winifred Sabine portrayed the three women. It was cut because the scene of the Droogs robbing the shop was never filmed, leaving the sequence incomplete.

Stealing the Durango '95

A scene of Alex and his droogs stealing the Durango '95 outside the theater where they fight the Billy Boys was cut.

Shooting the scene.

Driving Home

After the attack on Mr. Alexander and his wife, a shot was cut of the droogs driving home at sunrise was cut.

A frame from the scene.

The Girls Sneak Out of Alex's Apartment

After the high-speed bedroom scene, a scene was cut where the two girls try to sneak out of Alex's apartment. They are caught by Alex's father on the way out.

A Clockwork Orange editor Bill Butler stated this was the only scene he missed in the theatrical cut.[2]

"I was Cured, Alright" Extended

As it was originally shot, the ending fantasy of Alex and the girl began with Alex chasing her down and forcefully ripping her clothes off; this made the ending scene come across more violent and less consensual than presented in the theatrical cut. It is unknown why the scene was edited down.


All scenes listed above are labeled lost. Only images from the shoot and various snippets from interviews are the only proof of these scenes' existence.

See Also
