image descriptions for the squeamish

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The first photo is of a person in a butcher's apron, his left hand holding a knife, right hand rested on the dismembered arm on the table. The dismembered arm has some shoulder and left side-torso still attached, and its fingers are resting in a gentle fist. Almost no blood is visible.

The second photo appears to be a headless naked body, split in half sagitally, both halves hanging upside down by the ankles over a small bucket. One half faces the camera so you can see the bloody human cross-section. The apron-wearing person is standing behind the hanging body. The room appears to be small and dirty with some planks of wood leaning against one wall and possibly a toilet near the other wall.

The third photo appears to be taken before the previous photo: it's entirely the same except the two halves of the body are still mostly attached. Ribs and blood are visible. The apron-wearing person appears to be behind the body, in the process of cutting it in half.

The fourth photo has no blood or anything, but it's a naked person arching their back to show their butt cheeks in profile, crotch directly on the bed with knees out to the sides. No genitals are shown.