Uploads by Labrallie

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:51, 30 May 2023 GR2 AB Gameplay.jpg (file) 61 KB Showcase of battle with Moon Bunnies in the 2014 OMORI Demo, taken from AngryBanana's Instagram. 1
02:44, 30 May 2023 GR2 AngryBananas.jpg (file) 87 KB Post of the 2014 OMORI demo at the GR2 event from AngryBanana's Instagram. 1
03:15, 27 March 2023 2014OMORILayout.png (file) 947 KB Layout of the 2014 OMORI Demo 1
05:33, 27 February 2023 OmoriDemoCode3.png (file) 8 KB Leftover code from the 2014 OMORI demo showing this mechanic called Friendship Points. 1
05:32, 27 February 2023 OmoriDemoCode2.png (file) 21 KB Leftover code from the OMORI 2014 Demo showing the gender selection option in action. 1
05:29, 27 February 2023 OmoriDemoCode.png (file) 73 KB Code of the OMORI 2014 Demo showing that BGM would play in different parts of Otherworld. 1
03:40, 23 February 2023 OMORIDemoVoices.png (file) 89 KB Image showcasing the different sound effects used for the 2014 OMORI Demo. 1
03:35, 23 February 2023 OMORIGR2SpaceEx.png (file) 351 KB Picture taken from the GR2 Event showcasing the fight with Space Boyfriend in the 2014 OMORI Demo. Posted to the OMORI Twitter May 4, 2014. 1
03:30, 23 February 2023 OMORIGR2Talk.png (file) 233 KB Image taken showing off talking to party members in the 2014 OMORI Demo. Also shows overworld sprite of Shark Plane. 1
03:28, 23 February 2023 OMORIGR2Bunny.jpg (file) 78 KB Image taken from the GR2 event showcasing an otherwise unseen battle with Moon Bunnies in the 2014 OMORI Demo. 1
03:23, 23 February 2023 OMORIGR2PauseMenu.jpg (file) 41 KB Image taken from the GR2 event showcasing a glimpse at the pause menu in the OMORI 2014 Demo. 1
04:53, 22 February 2023 OMORIDemoPopupShop.png (file) 538 KB Promotional image telling about the 2014 OMORI Demo being available at J-Pop Summit. 1
04:50, 22 February 2023 OMORIDemoEditing.jpg (file) 135 KB Small screenshots of the 2014 OMORI demo. 1
04:48, 22 February 2023 OMORIGR2.png (file) 259 KB Poster announcing the showcase of the OMORI demo at GR2. 1
04:44, 22 February 2023 OMORIDemoBattle.png (file) 228 KB Screenshot of the 2014 OMORI Demo battle UI, taken directly from the demo gameplay. 1
04:36, 22 February 2023 OmoriDemo3.png (file) 51 KB Screenshot of the Yellow Forest from Otherworld in the 2014 OMORI Demo. 1
04:33, 22 February 2023 OmoriDemo1.png (file) 42 KB Screenshot of Otherworld from the 2014 OMORI Demo. 1
04:31, 22 February 2023 OMORIDemoVastForest.png (file) 150 KB 2014 version of Vast Forest from OMORI. 1
04:27, 22 February 2023 OMORIDemoHero.png (file) 144 KB 2014 screenshot of Hero speaking in OMORI. 1
04:14, 22 February 2023 OMORIOtherworld2.wav (file) 13.98 MB Old version of Lost, then Found from the 2014 OMORI Demo 1
04:06, 22 February 2023 OMORIOtherworld.wav (file) 15.83 MB 2014 version of Lost, then Found from OMORI 1
04:01, 22 February 2023 OMORINeighbor.wav (file) 15.86 MB 2014 version of Lost at a Sleepover from OMORI. 1
03:51, 22 February 2023 OMORIJunkyard.mp3 (file) 1.18 MB 2014 version of Stardust Diving from OMORI. 1
00:19, 22 February 2023 OMORI aubrey attempt 2.wav (file) 185 KB Attempted isolation of Aubrey's voice in the 2014 OMORI demo. 1
00:18, 22 February 2023 OMORI WS footstep.wav (file) 46 KB Sound effect for Omori stepping in White Space in 2014 OMORI demo 1
00:17, 22 February 2023 OMORI select attempt.wav (file) 78 KB Select sound effect from the 2014 OMORI Demo 1
00:16, 22 February 2023 OMORI Navigate iso.wav (file) 43 KB File navigation sound for the OMORI 2014 demo. 1
23:48, 21 February 2023 OMORIRememberMe.mp3 (file) 841 KB Title theme for OMORI 2014 demo. 1
23:08, 21 February 2023 OMORI2014BattleUI.png (file) 17 KB PNG of the 2014 battle UI from the Kickstarter page. 1
22:24, 21 February 2023 OMORI2014BattleUI.gif (file) 433 KB GIF of the OMORI Battle UI from the Kickstarter page. 1
18:17, 21 February 2023 Omoridemotitle.png (file) 360 KB Title screen of 2014 OMORI demo. 1