The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man (found flash animated series; early 2000s)

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Taco man.jpg

Taco man.

Status: Found

Date found: 21 Jan 2018

Found by: Samination

The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man was a flash cartoon series created by Samuel T. Nelson (best known for Taco-Man Plays a Video Game).[1]


The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man revolves around Taco Man and his misadventures.

All episodes of The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man have been removed from Sam's YouTube and Newgrounds channels, this is due to Sam stating on Twitter that the episodes were now embarrassing and outdated to him and that he has no plans to re-upload them onto his Newgrounds/YouTube channels.

The episode "Knock Off" can be seen on Sam's Vessel page and was also uploaded to Dailymotion by the user Benjamin13352.


If someone pledges $15 or more dollars a month to Samination's Patreon, they get the reward of accessing a playlist that contains old and/or deleted videos, and it's assumed that episodes of The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man are included in the playlist. If you want to access the playlist, you have to pledge $15 or more for at least one month. Also on Samination's Patreon, it's mentioned that there are goals for "long dead shows", and with those goals, you can resurrect many series, with The Stupid Adventures of Taco Man being on the list.

Episode List

Video Status
Oopsiedoodle Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)
Screwby doo Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)
Mcronald Land Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)
Knock Off Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)
Taco-Man Quits Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)
Behind the Taco Found (Available on Sams Patreon.)


External Links