Everything I know so far about these games

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This page has an error because there are 6 games and not 5 because Habbo Creatures are actually two that are Habbo Creatures Pix and Habbo Creatures Tweedle. Speaking of Dreams, it was never lost, there are several old places where you can get the game. But then, researching a little more about these games I managed to find the following most revealing and undiscovered:

1. Habbo Creatures Pix: 1.1. I found 4 sites that supposedly have the game but I haven't tested it due to fears of downloading it: 1.1.1. Bitbop (AE EN), https://en.ae.bitbop.com/index.cfm?GO=GAMEDETAILS&contentID=178901&m= (Does not seem to be reliable, the download link is dead however if you select the option to join from the club he will ask for the phone number and from there I don't know what will happen) 1.1.2. Mobi Planet, https://m.ae.mymobiplanet.com/index.cfm?GO=GAMESCATEGORY&ListID=105711&m=172f7a371a1ea6604a123415e119f165 (Doesn't seem to be reliable, it will ask for a credit and mobile number to download what if it is real or not, I don't know) 1.1.3. Funclix, http://m.ke.zz.zz.fun-clix.com/index.cfm?GO=GAMEDETAILS&ContentId=178901&m= (Doesn't seem to be reliable, download link doesn't work) 1.1.4. Melodi Global Mobile Solutions, http://sonata.melodimedia.com/content/quick_pack/Middle%20Eastern%20Content (The only site that does not ask for the mobile phone number and seems to be reliable however the possible way to obtain it seems to be difficult because it can only be obtained by "Web service API" or "Ordering API" which I don't know how to use) 1.2. The only video I found was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gC9RdE-VVY&ab_channel=habbict 2. Habbo Creatures Tweedle: 1.1. The only video I found was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gC9RdE-VVY&ab_channel=habbict 3. Habbo Duck-Up: 3.1. The only revealing thing I found was a download link for the game which is from Melodi Global Mobile Solutions however if you read what I said above it will be hard to get that. 4. Habbo Puzzle Pipes: I found a link in "linkedin" to a profile called "Marko Kalliokoski" https://www.linkedin.com/in/markokalliokoski/?originalSubdomain=fi who claims to have been involved in the creation of this game, maybe he still has the game and who knows how to provide it :) 5. Habbo Space Pool: I found a link on "linkedin" to a profile called "Tomasz Tulikowski" https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomasztulikowski/?originalSubdomain=pl who claims to have been involved in the creation of this game, maybe he has the game and who knows, he might be able to provide it.

Also, although the games are no longer officially available, we can still see them on the waybackmachine http://web.archive.org/web/20070514071640/http://www.habbomobile.co.uk/games.aspx?c=GB&lang =en&handset=0 . Is it still possible to buy? However, unfortunately until someone makes a databreach that wraps these games in the archives or someone remembers that there is something that is lost to the public and publishes it somewhere, these games will never see the light again.