User talk:40ozJare

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Revision as of 06:04, 21 December 2019 by 40ozJare (talk | contribs) (Purple chicken)
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I'm looking for something I remember from my child hood. I was staying at my uncle's and I remember he did not have very good cable but I always watched late in the night . I remember a show coming on, mostly puppets . It was skits and I think it was meant for adults . It had a skit about two men fishing which seemed normal/comedic and then segwayed into this story told by a puppet alone in some room, The story was about a purple chicken. Some boy had a purple chicken but eventually his father got upset and hit it with a weed eater? I'm not sure I just remember the part about purple feathers flying everywhere . The story seemed normal but the puppet ended it with this message (my memory might be off ) he said "look for me kids , I'm in your house right now I'm looking for you " which terrified me! I assumed this was an adult show as I got older maybe but I'm still not sure . Please help me find the story of the purple chicken