2011 post claiming to have seen footage of the fall

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http://www.tvpast.org/forum/unscripted/11121-owen-hart-wwf.html TL;DR it was circulated in early P2P networks before Youtube and was apparently in Ogrish around 2002. "• Was maybe 3-4 seconds long at most. • Was very crappy and grainy, with itty-bitty resolution. If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably 160x120 resolution. The video was very muddy gray, with almost zero color of any kind. It was simply underexposed amateur footage with a video camera of that generation. Yet it was still clear enough that you could see it was the 'Nugget' / Blue Blazer. • Was incomplete. You could see the wires break, but because everybody in the stands was standing at the time (or at least from the vantage of the person who recorded it -- likely watching a video on a big screen in the arena, as is known to have been going on at the time), you never saw the landing. The video shows the lines break, Owen falling in near darkness, what appeared to be a person in the way, and that's it. Clip over."