First Page!

From The Lost Media Wiki
< EMachines eOne Restore Disc (found computer restore media; 1999-2000)
Revision as of 02:54, 4 May 2023 by Thebuttercool (talk | contribs)
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Hello to the 3 people reading this page. i'm the person who wrote this page (and helped find the disc, not to brag) also i took that pic.

Anyways, this is my first page i've made myself, i've been a fan of lost media since i was like 13, and i've wanted to help find something, and i guess i have now. And i've made my own page with it! My 13 year-old self would be proud of myself. I was considering making this page since i started looking around 2018, but after I found it, it kinda didn't make sense. A couple weeks ago i started getting a small interest in lost media again, and decided to write this lil article.

If mods or anyone else has issues with the page, don't be afraid to edit, or contact me!