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Revision as of 12:53, 22 July 2023 by TheRandomClub (talk | contribs) (Changed my introduction)
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Hello, my name is TheRandomClub. I'm the person who's here to announce 2 currently missing SMG4 videos.

Image says: Have you seen us? There were 2 videos, both released in 2009, one being a Super Mario Sunshine glitch video and the other one being a Super Smash Bros. Brawl Photo Wheel. The glitch video was recorded on a camcorder (like most videos back in 2009), which was accompanied with Dora The Explorer playing in the background. The Photo Wheel's first frame has the text: "Photos made in Super Smash Bros. Brawl", the rest of the video showing an image every 2 seconds with a transition. Both videos were released by SMG4 (back then known as SuperMarioGlitchy4).

The image here contains a "Have you seen me?" or in this case "Have you seen us?" poster for the 2 missing SMG4 videos: