Adventures of the Little Koala (partially found original Japanese audio of anime series; 1984-1985)

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Title card.

Status: Partially Found

Adventures of the Little Koala (コアラボーイコッキィ Koala Boy Kokki) is a children's anime series from the mid-1980s directed by Takashi Tanazawa. It originally aired in Japan from October 4th, 1984 to March 28th, 1985, on TV Tokyo, for a total of 26 episodes.


Several well-known companies in Japanese animation were involved in the production of the series. Topcraft, a company that worked with Hayao Miyazaki early in his career (on Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind), helped in animating the series. It was produced by Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, who is known for their work on many anime series and the mainstream American film Lost in Translation.

After airing in Japan, the anime was later picked up and dubbed in English and French by the Canadian company Cinar Films and distributed by Viacom Enterprises. It aired in the United States from June 1st, 1987, to April 2nd, 1993, on Nickelodeon, mostly in the Nick Jr. block.[1] The series quickly became popular during its run, as dubbed re-runs aired for longer on Nickelodeon than the original series in Japan. This run also led to the series' only home-video release, a VHS tape titled, The Adventures of the Little Koala and Friends: Laura and the Mystery Egg, which contains the English dubbed-episodes of four of the 52 episodes.[2]


As the anime found most of its popularity in the United States and the Arab world, the original Japanese audio has fallen into obscurity. While versions of the English dub have been found online for sale,[3] the original Japanese episodes haven't resurfaced in any form online to this day. A Yahoo Auction for the "ごめんねウェザー" episode was available. But as of recent, it is unknown who won the bid, or if they would upload the episode.[4]


NOTE: None of the translated titles are official, they were all translated with Google/Bing Translate so take them with a grain of salt.

# Original Title English Translation Air date
1 "クジラのコンテナ / 空を飛んだペンギン" "Whale Container / Penguin in the Sky" Oct 4th, 1984
2 "ぼくのママはスーパーママ /ユーカリを守れ" "My Mom is Super Mom / Protect Eucalyptus" Oct 11th, 1984
3 "彼女は月の女神 / パパのおなかをへこませろ" "She is the Goddess of the Moon / Daddy's Tummy" Oct 18th, 1984
4 "サーカスでハッスル / 特ダネをさがせ" "Hustle at the Circus / Searching for Special News" Oct 25th, 1984
5 "飛んだユーカリの木 / カモメハシのダクビー" "Flying Eucalyptus Tree / Duckby the Platypus" Nov 1st, 1984
6 "バニーの看護婦さん / 空とぶドクター" "Bunny's Nurse / Flying Doctor" Nov 8th, 1984
7 "ラーラはママになるの / パン切りナイフ山にアタック" "Lara is going to be a Mama / Attack on Bread Knife Mountain" Nov 15th, 1984
8 "恐竜の卵 / 走れウインナー号" "Dinosaur Egg / Run Wiener" Nov 22nd, 1984
9 "ママのたんじょう日プレゼント / ぬけなくなった花びん" "Mother's Day Gift / Missing Vase" Nov 29th, 1984
10 "夜空のおくりもの / 蝶々を救おうよ" "Night Sky Gifts / Save the Butterflies" Dec 6th, 1984
11 "コッキィの子守り騒動 / カメラはつらいよ" "Kokki's Babysitting Disturbance / Camera is Hard" Dec 13th, 1984
12 "パパの作った料理 / 世界一大きな絵" "Daddy's Cooking / The World's Largest Picture" Dec 20th, 1984
13 "カエルにされたウェザー / パパのみつけた蝶々" "Frogged Weather / Daddy's Butterfly" Dec 27th, 1984
14 "っておなかがすくものなの / 大空の散歩" "I'm Hungry / A Walk in the Sky" Jan 3rd, 1985
15 "ダグビーの大発見 / メール爺さんの老眼鏡" "Duckby's Great Discovery / Old Man Mail's Reading Glasses" Jan 10th, 1985
16 "ゆうれい船が現れた / ユーカリ子供新聞" "A Ghost Ship Appears / Eucalyptus Children's Newspaper" Jan 17th, 1985
17 "ワルサーのブーメラン / トランシーバー作戦" "Walther's Boomerang / Operation Walkie Talkie" Jan 24th, 1985
18 "それいけオリエンテーリング / あきれた白雪姫" "Orienteering / Snow White" Jan 31st, 1985
19 "ぼくらは名探偵 / ぼくはお城の王さまだ" "We are great detectives / I am the King of the Castle" Feb 7th, 1985
20 "ごめんねウェザー / 子供発明コンクール" "Sorry Weather / Children's Invention Contest" Feb 14th, 1985
21 "バニーの大決心 / 時計台のたんじょうび" "Bunny's Great Determination / The Clock Tower's Birthday" Feb 21st, 1985
22 "花の女王はだれだ / とんでいったモンガー" "Who is the Queen of Flowers? / Flying Monger" Feb 28th, 1985
23 "文明に挑戦するんだ / SL機関士コッキィ" "Civilization Challenge / SL Engineer Kokki" Mar 7th, 1985
24 "おこずかい値上して / 犯人はだれだ" "Raising the Price / Who is the Culprit?" Mar 14th, 1985
25 "幻の鳥モア / 新しい友だちモア" "Phantom Bird Moa / New Friend Moa" Mar 21st, 1985
26 "モンガーの大滑空 / まぼろしのUFO" "Monger's Great Gliding / The Phantom UFO" Mar 28th, 1985


Promo for the Japanese version.

The opening to the anime.

A soundtrack version is only one available of the ending to the anime. It is only available in Arabic dubbed of the anime.

Music video for the Japanese intro by Komachi Akasaka. (Possibly from a Japanese airing)


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