Full House (found Russian adaptation of ABC sitcom; 2009)
Full House was an American family sitcom show created by Jeff Franklin for ABC that first aired as a special preview on September 22nd, 1987 then officially aired on September 25th, 1987 until the 1-hour series finale on May 23rd, 1995. The series is focused on a single-widowed father Danny Tanner (late Bob Saget) as he asked his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos) and his best friend Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) to help raise three of Danny's daughters, D.J. Tanner (Candace Cameron Bure), Stephanie Tanner (Jodie Sweetin), and Michelle Tanner (Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen). Rebecca Katsopolis (Lori Loughlin), Kimmy Gibber (Andrea Barber), Steve Hale (Scott Weinger), and Nicky and Alex Katsopolis (Blake and David Tuomy-Wilhoit) later join the cast as the show went on 8 years after the series debut.
Because of the show's popularity thanks to re-runs syndication, Full House was one of the group of Warner Brothers properties licensed to Moscow-based network STS for a Russian adaptation.[1][2] The adaptation followed the plots of the American version with changes to accommodate cultural differences, the Russian adaptation later aired on January 5th, 2009 until sometime in December 2009.[3]
The adapted series only lasted for 2 seasons, and its storyline are based on the first 2 seasons of the American's Full House episodes albeit cultural changes are made to them.[4]
Season 1
# | Russian Title | Based On | Status |
1 | Первый день вместе | Our Very First Show | Found |
2 | Убойный репортаж | Knock Yourself Out | Found |
3 | Возвращение бабушки | The Return of Grandma | Found |
4 | На рыбалку | Sea Cruise | Found |
5 | Папа вернулся | Daddy's Home | Found |
6 | Бурная ночь | Our Very First Night | Found |
7 | Первый раз в первый класс | The First Day of School | Found |
8 | Девушка лучшего друга | Jesse's Girl | Found |
9 | 3:0 в пользу папы | The Big Three-O | Found |
10 | Первое свидание | Danny's Very First Date | Found |
11 | Тихомиров продакшн | Our Very First Promo | Found |
12 | Сестринская любовь | Sisterly Love | Found |
13 | Почти любовная история | Half a Love Story | Found |
14 | Сюрприз для Жоры | Joey's Place | Found |
15 | Ветрянка | A Pox in Our House | Found |
16 | Шоу или бизнес? | D.J. Tanner's Day Off | Found |
17 | Кумир | Just One of the Guys | Found |
18 | Кризис семейной жизни. Часть 1 | The Seven-Month itch, Part 1 | Found |
19 | Кризис семейной жизни. Часть 2 | The Seven-Month itch, Part 2 | Found |
20 | Новый имидж дяди Димы | Cutting it Close | Found |
Season 2
# | Russian Title | Based On | Status |
1 | Заклятая подруга | Tanner vs Gibbler | Found |
2 | Мой папа - дезинсектор | It's Not My Job | Found |
3 | Чуть помедленнее, пони! | D.J.'s Very First Horse | Found |
4 | Рекламный рок-н-рол | Jingle Hell | Found |
5 | Жора строгого режима | Joey Gets Tough | Found |
6 | Три плюс три | Triple Date | Found |
7 | Самоволочка | Our Very First Christmas Show | Found |
8 | Кризис среднего возраста | Middle Age Crazy | Found |
9 | Дела амурные | A Little Romance | Found |
10 | Заложники тумана | Fogged In | Found |
11 | Дядьки-матери | Working Mothers | Found |
12 | Магазинная воровка | Little Shop of Sweaters | Found |
13 | Если вдруг оказался друг... | Pal Joey | Found |
14 | Аста ла виста, папа! | El Problema Grande de D.J. | Found |
15 | Возвращение блудного медведя | Goodbye, Mr. Bear | Found |
16 | Поцелуй из прошлого | Blast from the Past | Found |
17 | Положись на меня, детка! | I'm There for You, Babe | Found |
18 | Умнице фортуне сегодня не до Вас. Часть 1 | Luck Be a Lady, Part 1 | Found |
19 | Умнице фортуне сегодня не до Вас. Часть 2 | Luck Be a Lady, Part 2 | Found |
20 | Чайфовый вечер | Beach Boy Bingo | Found |
While there's no home media release of the adaptation unlike the original Full House series in America, 10 full episodes from the series were uploaded to YouTube by a user named Misha Pulnikov and 1 clip of the Russian-adapted version of "Joey's Place" was uploaded to the same site by a user named Christianna June.
All adaptation episodes can also be found on a Russian video-sharing site called "VK."
Only 2 episodes from Season 2 were missing until July 4th, 2023, when the lost episodes "Самоволочка" and "Умнице фортуне сегодня не до Вас. Часть 2" were uploaded on "VK" marking the adaptation, found.
External Links
- ↑ Hollywood Reporter article on the adaptation. Retrieved 23 Mar '22
- ↑ MTV News article on the adaptation. Retrieved 23 Mar '22
- ↑ Kinopoisk website on the adaptation. Retrieved 23 Mar '22
- ↑ Episode guide for the show's Russian adaptation. Retrieved 23 Mar '22