Threshold Animation Studios (lost CGI animated commercials from animation studio; date unknown)
Threshold Animation Studios is the animation part of Threshold Entertainment Group, primarily known for making Foodfight!, as well as Bobbleheads: The Movie, Mortal Kombat and LEGO movies.
Like many animation studios, they've also made a selection of commercials, as once presented on their website[1] and a former reel of theirs alongside motion graphics and other work.
Considering the current state of Threshold Entertainment Group and relative obscurity of its advertisements, it's uncertain how likely these commercials are to resurface.
Commercial | Details | Notes | Status |
Korbel Champagne | :30 spot | Lost | |
Skechers | :30 Spot | Referred to as "Sketchers" on the website, likely as a typo. | Lost |
Orlando Magic | :30 Spot | Lost | |
Shell V-Power | :30/:60 Spot | Lost | |
IBM e-business | Television Campaign | Lost | |
Blackbelt TV | Commercials | And graphics. | Lost |
What also may qualify are General Motors TV series graphics and trade show campaign, Sprint logo/graphic design, and Orlando Solar Bears and Network of the World graphics seen in the reel.
Interestingly, CGI animation made for Charlie the Tuna from Starkist Tuna appears in the commercial reel, leading to assumption that this was a Starkist Tuna ad Threshold Animation had made in addition to his appearance in Foodfight!, which looks quite similar in the original showreel animation. However, more of this footage is seen in a later unearthed 2005 press video by Larry Kasanoff for Foodfight! within his examples of brand icons appearing in the film, alongside Twinkie the Kid and Mr. Clean clips, revealing the animation is instead part of that movie's 8 minutes of showreel and test animations rather than an actual commercial.[2]
See Also
- Hershey's Really Big! 3D Show (found 3D short film; 2002)
- Foodfight! (partially lost sizzle reel for CGI animated film; 2000-2003)
- Foodfight! (lost build of cancelled video game based on CGI animated film; 2006-2007)