Triptych (partially found unfinished drama film; 2010)

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Still from the film.

Status: Partially Found

Triptych was an unfinished experimental drama film written and directed by Richard Dutcher. It was partially funded via a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2010 but very little regarding the project has been mentioned since then.


The film is essentially an anthology with each segment connected by a singular theme, although what it is exactly remains open to interpretation.

The Boy Who Found Dead Things

In a small town, a young boy sets out to give the dead animals he comes across proper burials.

Dark Grace

A lapsed minister turns to art in an attempt to regain his faith, only to build a dangerous obsession in the process.


After realizing that her faith has given her life pain instead of joy, a woman has to seek other means to achieve comfort.


Dutcher had filmed half of the film prior to launching the Kickstarter campaign. Up to that point, he self-financed production out of pocket along with contributions from friends. His main goal was to raise enough money to film the final segment before the winter season in Utah. While his projection of $15,000 wasn't exactly reached, the campaign went above its minimum target of $7,000. Overall, 73 backers pledged $10,095 for the film.

Two years later, Dutcher spoke about the film in an interview for RadioWest where he stated that he was having trouble with how one of the segments would resolve.[1] The last update regarding the project on Kickstarter was in 2013 and a Facebook comment indicated that the film's title changed. It is unknown if filming was ever fully completed.


All that can be found of the film outside of Kickstarter are a few stills uploaded to Facebook. Some from the final segment were uploaded on Dutcher's Facebook account but they are not visible to the public.

External Links


  1. RadioWest Interview Retrieved 03 Jun '22