The Empire Strikes Back (lost original Darth Vader line from "I am your Father" scene of space opera film sequel; 1980)

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Star Wars episode 5 poster.jpeg

The film's theatrical poster.

Status: Lost

The original Star Wars trilogy is if not one of the most iconic movies to ever be released, However in The Empire Strikes Back there is a line that was filmed, yet never used in the original, one that was used to bamboozle the original cast to prevent them from knowing the actual twist of the movie, this being Darth Vader saying "You don't know the truth, Obi-Wan killed your father" however the filming of Darth Vader saying this is lost.


In The Empire Strikes Back which was released in 1980, to avoid the cast from knowing the plot twist of the Iconic "I am your Father" Irvin Kershner and George Lucas had the cast read different lines and then dubbed it with James Earl Jones to be of course the iconic "I am your Father" line.

The original line "Obi-Wan killed your Father" was thought to be by the entire acting cast to be the plot twist, until the first screening in which it was revealed to be otherwise, Mark Hamill (known for playing Luke Skywalker) was the first to be told about the plot twist and was told to be silent about it for one and a half years due to not wanting anyone to know about it and if they did they'd know it was Mark Hamill who leaked it.[1]

Graham Norton Show Interview

In The Graham Norton Show in 2017 to hype up the new sequel of that being Star Wars: The Last Jedi Mark Hamill revealed the original line and the cast's reactions, including Harrison Ford's reaction being "Hey kid, you didn't fucking tell me that" (used for historical accuracy).


However, the original authentic audio clip of the original line other than a poorly made reconstruction of it is lost, and the whereabouts and fate of the audio clip are unknown, It is possible it could be in an unedited version of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, however, the likely-hood of this being true is currently unknown, and it is possible that it could've been thrown away years ago, so it might be possible that this line is possible forever lost.




The iconic "I am your Father" scene.

The poorly made reconstruction of the scene with the alternate line.

The Mark Hamill interview on The Graham Norton Show that mentions the alternate line.

See Also
