Exploring Frogs (lost PC educational CD-ROM; 2001)

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Revision as of 18:36, 6 January 2024 by Warranty99 (talk | contribs) (Exploring Frogs is a partially lost Educational CD-ROM created by Cog LTD and Interactive for All TM for TEDCO Toys)
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Exploring Frogs is a partially lost Educational CD-ROM supposedly available for Mac-OS and COG LTD. created in the Clickteam 6-5 engine by COG LTD. and Interactive For AllTM for TEDCO Toys in a new educational frog biology kit.

The creation of this piece of media is currently unknown but can be traced to (at the bare minimum) 2001[4], Using the date of when TEDCO Toys released the "4D Vision Frog" in approximately Aug 23, 2010[1], the date must for the release of the Exploring Frogs CD-ROM must be somewhere close.

The CD-ROM came inside of a box containing 4 clearish frog models[2] for advertising purposes, TEDCO Toys put 4 'previews' of what can be seen inside the CD-ROM[3]:

The back in question says the following (Transcription):

Learn Biology (Learn the internal body structure of frogs)

3D Animations (Amazing animations of different frogs)

Nature Movies (Natural history clips of different frogs)

Hungry Hoppers Game (Test your accuracy in catching live bugs)


The hunt for the Exploring Frogs game would begin on the Nov 19th, 2023 when a user on the Discord Server for the LMW would share his experience on playing a early 2000's computer game about frogs, he claimed the disk didnt work anymore but had an image of it[5].

The current status of the Hunt is as follows: The game has not been played, the package has not been bought, the game has been found on stores online including Amazon, Walmart etc. [6]

For now, no footage of the game has been found, though due to the nature of the current status, it will most likely not be long before footage of this piece lost media will be released.


[1]: Youtube video released by Tedco Toys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=320fAGYfodo&t=38s

[2]: Wembley Bug Boy (Discord User): "My mom remembers the game, I asked her recently. She remembers that the disc came with a toy frog. I think it was clear and had organs inside of it, potentially", https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/M689-EXPLORING-FROGS-MINDZ/4PMRNC5Z45GY.

[3]: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/278331753016328193/1193252346352910569/image.png

[4]: Referring to the logo seen on the disk, Wikipedia (Quicktime): "Version 5.0 was initially only released for Mac OS and Mac OS X on April 14, 2001, and version 5.0. 1 followed shortly thereafter on April 23, 2001, supporting the classic Mac OS, Mac OS X, and Windows. Three more updates to QuickTime 5 (versions 5.0. 2, 5.0"

[5]: Wembley Bug Boy (Discord User): "I played this early 2000s computer game as a kid but have never been able to locate any media from the actual gameplay despite knowing the name. My disc is damaged beyond use, unfortunately. But I have this photo of the disc. It is called Exploring Frogs."

[6]: Links to said websites: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/M689-EXPLORING-FROGS-MINDZ/4PMRNC5Z45GY, https://www.workshopplus.com/products/frogs-bio-interactive, https://www.amazon.es/Mindz-Mighty-Multimedia-Cd-Learning/dp/B017CAQEZK, https://sayal.com/store4/prodetails.php?SKU=215981.