Reaching out to Japan?

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Ever thought of turning to the Japanese community? Who knows! We have more chances of finding it by reaching out to them somehow. I've been trying to look around for sites similar to reddit that host boards to talk and share stuff and although I know of 2chan, I have no idea whether or not it is safe to browse/write on it. IF by any chance anyone has any idea of somewhere we can contact the Japanese community on that is safe and sure to get answers from, I'd be happy to contact them, or if anyone else wants to contact themselves faster as my daily life is full of work and university stuff, here's the message I would send! I am self-taught in Japanese, but I can speak it in okay levels.

Also it hurts that I was a fan of Vocaloid since 2011 and never stumbled upon Interface or any of the other songs and mostly Medical Wedding as it's my favourite :[[

Below is the message we could possibly send to the Japanese community!

どうも、ピーカンちゃんです アタシはボカロの英語コミュニティの一員です 日本語コミュニティの緊急で助けてほしいことがあります まささんの失われた六歌を探しています

歌の名前は: 1.インターフェース 2. メディカル・ウェディング 3. 別れは言わずにいっちまえ! 4. -かごめうた- 5. 2うぃんくるすたー 6. 水晶の歌姫 1+2

思い出があるのでしょうか?あるいはダウンロードした?もしそうなら、英語のコミュニティで共有してください 2011年に発売されたと思います アタシは日本語が不自由です 言葉足らずで本当にごめんなさい