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Hello GoosebumpsArt. I am the user who created this page earlier this summer. Thank you very much for your supply of information regarding Monster Dog.

A couple of other LMW users and I started a search for this book over the summer and early autumn. We got several leads from the ghostwriters of the GoFS series, and GoFS publishers. All we got, however, were dead ends, mostly due to a lack of communication from some of our leads.

Would you perhaps like to be added to the Discord chat I have for the Dr. Freek search? We can get you in the loop of all that we’ve found. It’s great to see someone try to actively find it when I put the search aside months ago.

Oh, and here’s a quick edit... You’ve been looking for this book since 2017? I had first heard of this book a few years ago, but it wasn’t until this year that I started a search for it when I realized it didn’t seem to be anywhere.