La fée Coquillette (partially found French children's animated TV series based on Book; 2010)

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Poster Coquillette 2.jpg

Official Poster of the Cartoon

Status: Found

La fée Coquillette is a French Animated TV Series Directed By Jean-Christophe Roger and Dominique Debar, based on the albums of the same name by Didier Lévy and Benjamin Chaud, those books were edited by "Éditions Albin Michel". The cartoon was produced by "Les Armateurs", "Sony Pictures Entertainment" and "Maybe Movies".

The series Production began on the 6th of January 2010, and ended that same year on the 26th of July, with a Total of 78 Episodes that are 7 Minutes long produced for 1 Season, divided in 9 Volumes, with each DVDs Having 8-9 Episodes, So far, the episodes from the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Volumes/DVDs are online (Soon I'll add the Volumes from the 6th to the 9th)


The Story happens in a Forest where many talking animals lives in, and the Ladybug Witch Fairy known as La Fée Coquillette is here to come to the rescue whenever an animal is in need or trouble, to grant them a wish, which doesn't always turn out well, since she isn't a genie, but a Fairy and/or Witch.


(Those aren't the Official descriptions of the characters, but I tried my best to describe their personnalities, for those who are new to this series)

La Fée Coquillette: The Main Character of the Series, A Ladybug Witch Fairy whose job is to grant wishes to those who are in need, trouble, or want to do something good. Two of her catch phrases is "Woop dee doo!" Or sometimes she makes her sentence Rhymes, an french example would be "Une marguerite sans fleur, c'est pas une marguerite, poil aux frites" Which could be translated to "A Daisy without flower isn't a daisy, hair of a Pansee"

Gaston: A Donkey who reads comics and like to acts as super heroes, or do pranks to his friends.

Parsifal: A Bear who comes from Russia, he is quite curious and sensitive, sleeps a lot, and of course, he likes honey a lot and takes good cares of his bees, and his friends too, he isn't too smart, and the forest is quite different from his home country

Albert: A Prideful Hippopotamus, likely from Hippopotamia "the 6th Continent", he likes to talk about his exploits and heroic acts, especially on Norma, from who he has a crush on, however, due to Albert's prideful exploits, Norma would thinks Albert's too good for her.

Prosper: An Anxious and Hypochondriac Koala, he is easily worried, wants to be safe from every kind of wound and sicknesses at all cost, and he overreact if something was to hit him, he seems to haves a crush on Adrienne.

Mike: A Snob (and sometimes Egotistical) Lion who is likely the richest and fanciest inhabitant of the forest, he plays guitar and puts himself over most, if not every other animals of the forest (Even the Fairy)

Norma: A Giraffe who is easily impressed and a bit modest, she is in love with Albert, but she finds herself too modest and boring for him, and sometimes hangs out with other animals, much to Albert's Jealousy

Fidélio: A Rhinoceros who's trying his best at being a magician, even thought he doesn't always succeed at impressing or even entertaining the other animals, but then he's trying his best.

Paulette: A very talkative Goose that can't fly, and gets easily bored when she has nobody to talks to, much to the other's dismay. She also says she's Related to wild geeses that passes by

Adrienne: A Tomboy Monkey, who's very active and likes to climb and do sports activities, pink is a color she doesn't like at all, as she prefers green, She's Nina's older Sister.

Nina: A young and curious Baboon Monkey, she's the youngest animal of the group, and is even more energetic than her older sister is, but she also gets easily bored and she wants to play with everyone, she can be bratty sometimes, but we can forgive that, since she's a young child.


8th of September 2024 : I do apologize for not updating the page earlier, I found the 3rd and only missing Volume of this series, now there may be any other Media that could be missing, but who knows, at least this series can be considered found

14th of March 2023 : I received the Box with the DVDs from the 6th to the 9th Volume, I'll upload them As Soon As Possible

15th of March 2023 : I Finally managed to upload the 2nd Volume/DVD of the Cartoon, I hope you enjoy them

Episode List

Volume 1 (Maîtresse d'école)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Gaston Veut lire Found
2 Gaston Veut être invisible Found
3 La Jungle de tous les dangers Found
4 La maison de mes rêves Found
5 Les Mensonges du Capitaine Albert Found
6 Mike veut déménager Found
7 Champion de l'amour Found
8 Nina ne veut plus chaparder Found
9 Soleil Noir Found

Volume 2 (Joyeux Noël)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Nina veut fêter noël Found
2 Du calme Found
3 Paulette Parle Trop Found
4 A la cool Found
5 Prosper Risque tout Found
6 Un âne qui sent bon Found
7 Le mur du son Found
8 Ni oui Ni non Found

Volume 3 (Super Héros)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Gaston Super-Héros Found
2 Albert le héros Found
3 Norma veut être moins grande Found
4 Une tâche qui fait tâche Found
5 Adrienne ne veut plus quitter la jungle Found
6 Parcifal ne veut plus hiberner Found
7 Superzéro Found
8 Le plus grand des pouvoirs Found
9 L'habit ne fait pas le super-âne Found

Volume 4 (Joyeux Anniversaire)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Joyeux anniversaire Found
2 La Joie D'offrir Found
3 Nina veut être une fée Found
4 En vers et en couleurs Found
5 Of course mon ours Found
6 Cette pipelette de Paulette Found
7 Quel Talent! Found
8 Au revoir Coquillette Found

Volume 5 (Les joies de la musique)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Mike veut être musicien Found
2 Le solo de Mike Found
3 Adrienne joue la coquette Found
4 Ah, si j'étais grande! Found
5 Paulette et ses soeurs Found
6 Mike le pinson Found
7 Magie à volonté Found
8 Vroum Vroum Found
9 Tout à l'envers Found

Volume 6 (L'amitié)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Parsifal veut des amis Found
2 Coeur de peluche Found
3 Retour au pays Found
4 Une Journée Sans Found
5 SOS Girafe Found
6 Jolis Rêves Found
7 Si beau en ce Miroir Found
8 Les bons plats de Parsifal Found
9 La Gentille Sorcière Found

Volume 7 (Drôle de Danse)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Drôle de danse Found
2 Norma veut être Majorette Found
3 Albert veut voler Found
4 Pas de Nid sans oeuf Found
5 Prosper a les chocottes Found
6 Parsifal veut une soeur Found
7 Le petit Albert Found
8 Le garde du corps Found

Volume 8 (Reine de la Forêt)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 La Reine Paulette Found
2 Une vie de rêve Found
3 Le Complexe de Fidélio Found
4 Le trésor d'Albert Found
5 Nina est dans le flou Found
6 La Croisière d'Albert Found
7 Docteur Norma Found
8 Poil aux Fées Found
9 Partenaires Found

Volume 9 (Les Extraterrestres)

# Episode Name (French) Status
1 Gaston et les extra-terrestres Found
2 Le peuple invisible Found
3 Paulette et son prénom Found
4 Parsifal veut être plus léger Found
5 La boule de cristal Found
6 La voix de la magie Found
7 Prosper veut rire Found
8 Paulette ne veut pas en perdre une miette Found
9 Un Roi Dans les bois Found


External Links to Videos

(Just to warn you, the episodes are in french)

Other external Links