Morse ((lost YouTube srceamer animation; 2006-2007))
Morse refers to a lost animation that was part of the screamer genre on YouTube, popular in the mid-2000s. These types of videos typically featured a buildup of suspense, often leading to a sudden scare, usually accompanied by loud noises or shocking images.
The Morse Video
The Morse video begins with characters waking up in their beds, clearly disturbed and unable to sleep due to a feeling of fear related to Room 313. One of the characters decides to get up and leave his room, walking down a dark and silent hallway where he cannot see anything around him. When he finally reaches the door of Room 313, the tension increases. Upon opening the door, a jumpscare occurs: a terrifying creature appears, with its mouth open and no eyes, creating an instant shock for the viewer. The video ends with the provocative phrase: "Are you scared?", which is a typical callback for the viewer, reinforcing the scare
Video removed
The Morse video was removed in part due to negative comments and adverse reactions from the public. When a video receives a significant amount of negative feedback, it can lead the creator to decide to remove it to avoid further criticism or to protect their audience. Additionally, screamo videos like Morse often provoke intense reactions, and the disturbing nature of this type of content can result in a polarized reception. If the video had generated controversy or discontent among viewers, that could have influenced the decision to remove it. These factors, combined with the dynamics of social media platforms, where public perception can change rapidly, have led to Morse becoming an example of Lost Media.