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Hello! I am Klorgbane. There are two pieces of lost media that I personally have a massive interest in, those being Empire Square and My Phone Genie, the latter of which I started the article for! Quite a shame that they don't get much exposure or recognition (even amongst other lost shows), but hopefully that'll change at some point in the future (which may even lead to them becoming 100% found, who knows?).

My Phone Genie was definitely one of my most favourite childhood shows back in the day, and I find it disappointing that most of its episodes became lost as a result of being purged from CITV, as well as all other streaming services that had that show. Really really underrated, but I do highly recommend checking out the two episodes that are found. This show definitely had its golden moments, most of which are now lost though.

Empire Square was a show that I had discovered a couple years ago while watching a video showcasing Channel 4's classic idents reused for their 25th anniversary, as the continuity announcer mentioned Empire Square (as it was one of the shows that aired that day). I looked into it and discovered the "Sleep Study" episode that was uploaded by kungfucianism (back when the video was still public). I really liked that episode, and I've always wondered what the rest of the Fuse-era episodes were like. Anyway (for those wondering), Rabbit is my favourite character in the show, and one I can relate to on many levels.

I also go by the same username on Internet Archive, where, among other things, I have successfully managed to save every episode of the ITV game show Babushka from becoming lost media. Definitely a show that I consider to be overhated on many accounts, as I personally found it very enjoyable and nerve-wracking! I am a fond believer of the lesson that was learned in the Bob's Burgers episode "Moody Foodie", in that just because something received a bad review, doesn't mean that thing will also be something you'll hate too, and you should just give it a chance regardless of what someone else says, and in this case it really paid off, as despite the amount of hate Babushka gets from many people, I really liked it. :)