Thomas the Tank Engine "The Missing Coach" (partially found footage from cancelled British children's TV series episode; 1986)

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Partially shot and later scrapped in 1986 was an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine titled "The Missing Coach" (now aptly-named, in an ironic turn of events); the episode was based on the 1960 Railway Series story of the same name. The episode saw the arrival of twin engines Donald and Douglas, having been ordered from Scotland by the Fat Controller, only to discover that only one engine was sent for and that the other would not be needed. Not wanting to leave the others' side, Donald and Douglas decide to switch tenders and, effectively, identities, so that the Fat Controller could not be 100% sure which was which, in the hopes that he would keep them both (which he ultimately does, after uncovering their charade).

Halfway through the episode's production, it was decided that the plot was likely too complex for children to comprehend and as such, was cancelled, being replaced instead with an entirely different episode, "Thomas, Percy and the Coal".

David Mitton (writer/producer/director of the show) mentioned in a 2008 interview, (shortly before his death), that he still possessed all the original footage filmed for the episode; although, where the masters are today is entirely unknown.

5 screenshots that have appeared in various books/merchandise over the years are the only publicly available content from the episode.