Raggedy Ann (found script and footage of Broadway musical; 1985-1986)

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Raggedy Ann Playbill cover

Status: Partially Found

Raggedy Ann (also known as Rag Dolly), was a Broadway production written by William Gibson, with music and lyrics composed by Joe Raposo, and directed by Patricia Birch. The musical is loosely based off the animated film Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure (1977), and the Raggedy Ann and Andy books (1918-1977), but with a dark twist.

After the movie's initial release, Joe Raposo was approached by Patricia Snyder to adapt the film into a stage musical, bringing in playwright William Gibson to work alongside them. Gibson wasn't interested in the current story, a circus re-theming of a plot similar to the movie, and took inspiration from the real-life story of Raggedy Ann author Johnny Gruelle's daughter Marcella, who contracted diphtheria from an unsanitary smallpox vaccination and died at the age of 14.

The book and music were contracted separately, with Raposo getting double royalties as composer and lyricist. Gibson ran into a lot of pushback for his dark script, first from Raposo, and later from Bobbs-Merrill, who held the rights to the characters and the last word on the script. Snyder however was on Gibson’s side fully, while Birch played a mediator.

At one point Raposo, who was vice chairman of the ESIPA board of directors, attempted to get the board to vote to override Snyder’s authority and remove Gibson from the project. This backfired on the composer and he was briefly dropped from the production altogether, but returned after revisions had been made to the script. Production began two years before Broadway, first with designers and then casting, and in October 1984 rehearsals began at the Egg and ran for five weeks before opening.

Plot Synopsis

The musical centered around Marcella, a little girl dying of a mysterious disease that her doctors have trouble diagnosing. She can't eat, can't sleep, and has issues breathing, and her death is imminent.

Her father is a depressed alcoholic, trying his best to keep his daughter happy, despite her fatal illness. It is told that Marcella's pet dog Red Fang died after eating her pet canary Yellow Yum Yum and that her mother abandoned both her and her father for a man in a Rolls Royce.

The father gives Marcella a chest full of rag dolls and tells her that if she sleeps, all her toys come alive and play in the nursery together, but if she doesn't fall asleep the dolls just stay in their box. Marcella eventually manages to fall asleep, and through a movie-length dream sequence, she, Raggedy Ann, Andy, and the rest of the toybox toys go on a vast journey from New York to L.A. to find the Doll Doctor, in hopes that he can save Marcella from an early death.

All the while, they are being hunted down by General D and his two henchmen, The Wolf (Red Fang) and The Bat (Yellow Yum Yum), and only have until 6 AM to get to the Doll Hospital. If they don't make it by then, Marcella will die, subsequently causing the doll’s deaths as well.

Along the way we meet Marcella’s absent mother, lost and suicidal from bearing the regret of leaving her family behind. Mother and daughter reconcile their history and Marcella leaves to face General D.


The Gibson/Raposo version of the production was released on December 7th 1984 under the title Rag Dolly.

However, almost immediately after its initial release, controversy arose after Ellen Allen, from Albany, New York, took her children to see the show. Appalled by the musical's dark subject matter, she went to the local news, concluding that the play depicted "portrayals of gruesome characters, a mother deserting her child, death, and even suicide.” This isn't that far from the truth since it has been said that the play had dark and sexual themes, with Marcella having nightmares about slaughterhouses, a forest of corpses, and her mother committing suicide.

After the news of the unexpectedly dark play went popular, several public schools' reservations were also cancelled due to this uproar. One of the educational directors said that “the themes of alcoholism, suicide, and murder were not appropriate for children.” William Gibson later replied, simply stating "The style is for children, the content is for me."

In 1985, the play was retooled to be more "appropriate" for young audiences, renamed Raggedy Ann, and the controversy died down.

Despite the bad reviews and controversy, the show got in Albany, the reviews were absolutely positive when it performed in Moscow, as seen in the 30-minute documentary Rag Dolly in the USSR.

However, due to the few performances in Moscow, and the mere 5 performances on Broadway before its cancellation, the show never made it into historical popularity along with other shows at the time.


The musical itself had almost vanished into obscurity, for around 30 years its been almost completely forgot about, save for a video on YouTube that had a low-quality recording of the demo soundtrack and the 30 minute documentary about the performance of the show in Russia. However, at the beginning of 2018, a few things involving the show have been found.

An audio bootleg, recorded in 1986 during one of the Broadway performances, has been making its way through the internet and has been posted on YouTube in its full length. The one who found it is Vinnie Rattolle. It's low quality, but the bootleg has a new set of songs added to the soundtrack, preexisting songs have been changed, and the song Mexico has been cut. Only recently has the script been found, residing in New York Public Library's archives, and a digital copy is able to be purchased. The script is different than the bootleg, a possible earlier copy since it contains all the original demo versions of the songs and a few scenes that are missing from the audio bootleg.

Later it was found the New York Public Library held a version of the script, though contact with them was difficult and the more people requested, the less likely they were to release it. Through this we got confirmation of many of the darker elements.

On 3/15/2021 requested media from the Harvard archives was linked to in the Raggedy Ann lost media Discord server, containing 13 pdfs. These included seven scripts from various steps in production, four folders of various press and playbills, both from Moscow and the US productions, some very early story drafts, and a written account from the scriptwriter about his experience on the production.

The scripts (in order)
  • Marked “original version”, exact date unclear
  • 11/29/84 (ESIPA)
  • 3/1/85 (ESIPA)
  • Nov. of 85’ (ESIPA, exact date unknown)
  • Jul. 86 (no particular production, accurate to NYPL copy)
  • Broadway (date unclear, around Oct. of 86’)
  • Broadway bootleg accurate (date unclear, around Oct. of 86’)

Early drafts of the script mostly feature re-named or re-contextualized versions of the same characters and plot, with notably even darker tones than what ended up onstage.

On 2/19/2021 the Raposo estate sent scanned photos of Joe Raposo’s scoring for the music. The pages included early handwritten and often incomplete drafts of the following songs: Gingham and Yarn; Opening Sequence (instrumental); Carry On; Diagnosis; Mexico; A Little Music; She Comes Riding; Quiet Night; & Wolf Chase (instrumental).

While the original scans are unavailable to the public under the family’s request, fan clean-ups will be made available when finished. Nick Raposo also sent a high-quality recording of Gingham and Yarn, implying there were others from the demo. Which sings were recorded is yet to be confirmed or released.

Aside from the first known script, the New York Public Library also held a collection of photos taken for press releases. Some of these photos were then used publicly while others remained in their archives to be viewed on request, but similarly to the script this privilege they grant sparingly. The photos are archived privately among members of the community but many are not to be shared publicly.

What is still missing is the possibility of extra B-Roll footage from the documentary Rag Dolly in the USSR, which is possibly nonexistent. The Ohio State University website claims they possess multiple pieces donated by the costume designer Carrie Robbins, which has been backed up by contacted cast members. These include costume notes, sketches, scripts, photographs, playbills, possibly even entire costumes, and two fish props from the boat scene. Unfortunately when contacted the archives revealed none of the media had been digitized. This process is in progress.

The NYPL also holds an archive of Stan Applebaum’s sheet music for the show, who arranged and orchestrated the entire soundtrack. The archives have been reached out to with no reply yet.

What has been found are two soundtracks, one bootleg from its time on Broadway and a demo soundtrack recorded around the second ESIPA production in late 1985; seven versions of the script; multiple press photos from all productions; and one high quality recording.

Musical Revival

Lost Media Wiki user Babydaisylover got in touch with Ivy Austin the one who plays Raggedy Ann on all of the Broadway versions who has plans about reviving the show. She said this to her in an email.

"Hello Babydaisylover! Happy New Year, and thank you so much for getting in touch with me about Raggedy Ann. I have been getting a lot of email lately from people like yourself who would like to know more about our show....and I am absolutely delighted! First, I must tell you that, although I wish I could, I cannot offer you a script. What I can tell you, is that there has been so much renewed interest in the piece, that I am trying to get a company interested in doing a licensing agreement after all these years, so that people can have a chance to experience this wonderful little show. But that may take a while :) For the record, there were many more public performances than you think. It took almost three years to develop the show, at a theatre in Albany, called The Egg (ESIPA), where we performed several versions of the show over the years. In the winter of 1986, we were invited to Moscow on a cultural exchange, where we performed to standing ovations for two weeks. In the summer of 1986, the show ran at The Kennedy Center in Washington DC for (I think) six weeks, where it was also a huge hit. If you go to my website, you will find a link to the lovely documentary filmed about Raggedy Ann in Moscow. On Broadway, we had ten previews, and four regular performances. On Facebook, a great page comes up if you search for Raggedy Ann on Broadway. That may lead you to some of the music....there are some rare recordings on YouTube. Unfortunately, both composer Joe Raposo and playwright William Gibson are gone, but most of the cast members, including director Patricia Birch, are alive and well, and we have remained friends. Lately, I have been in touch with another fan named McKenah—here’s the link to her blog: [1] So please don’t give up hope Babydaisylover! I am doing everything I can to put the pieces back together, and maybe someday, somewhere, people will get to do a production of our beloved show."

The copyright for the script has been found and there has been conversation with the Raposo estate about licensing the music for a revival, but there have been no serious legal efforts made yet.

Musical Numbers

The first ESIPA production did not include all of the songs we know from the demo and Broadway soundtracks, notably the wedding scene in Quiet Night, and at the time He Comes Riding was sung by Wolf instead of General D. The second ESIPA production had a slightly different soundtrack, which included the songs "Mexico," which was replaced with "Make Believe reprise" from the Broadway run. Various other songs from the second ESIPA production have been altered for the Broadway performance, including "You Never Get Away", which is now called "You'll Love It". Other songs were lightly modified with no notable changes.

Act I
  • "Overture" – Orchestra
  • "Gingham and Yarn" – Company
  • "Carry On" – Poppa
  • "Diagnosis" – Doctors
  • "The Light" – Marcella and Dolls
  • "Make Believe" – Raggedy Ann & General D.
  • "Blue" – The Camel & Raggedy Ann
  • "Make Believe (Reprise 1)" – Raggedy Ann, Marcella, Dolls & Company
  • "Make Believe (Reprise 2)" – Raggedy Ann & Marcella
  • "Something in the Air" – Company
  • "Delighted" – Clouds
  • "So Beautiful" – Raggedy Ann, Marcella & Clouds
  • "A Heavenly Chorus" – Yellow Yum-Yum
  • "The Shooting Star" – Mommy, Poppa, and The Rat in the Rolls Royce
  • "The Wedding" – Company
  • "Rag Dolly" – Raggedy Ann
Act II
  • "Gingham and Yarn (reprise)" – Company
  • "You'll Love It" – Bat, Raggedy Andy & the Batettes
  • "A Little Music" – Marcella, Raggedy Ann, and Dolls
  • "Gone" – Dolls & Company
  • "Why Not?" – Mommy
  • "What Did I Lose?" – Mommy
  • "Somewhere" – Raggedy Ann
  • "Welcome to L.A." – Nurses
  • "Diagnosis (reprise)" – Doctors
  • "I Come Riding" – General D.
  • "Gingham and Yarn (reprise)" – Company
  • "Rag Dolly (Finale)" – Cast


Character ESIPA Moscow The Kennedy Center/Broadway
Doctor Scott Evans Joe Barrett Joe Barrett
Doctor Willaim McClary Neal Ben-Ari Dick DeCareau
Doctor Gary O. Aldrich Gary O. Aldrich Richard Ryder
Poppa/The Doll Doctor MacIntyre Gibby Brand Bob Morrisey
Marcella Tricia Brooks Tricia Brooks Lisa Rieffel
Raggedy Ann Ivy Austin Ivy Austin Ivy Austin
Raggedy Andy Scott Schafer Scott Schafer Scott Schafer
Baby Doll Carolyn Marble Valentis Carolyn Marble Valentis Carolyn Marble Valentis
Panda Jeanne Vigliante Jeanne Vigliante Michelan Sisti
General D. Paul Haggard David Schramm Leo Burmester
Bat/Yellow Yum Yum Pamela Sousa Pamela Sousa Gail Benedict
Wolf/Red Fang Tom Pleto Tom Pleto Gordon Weiss
Camel with the Wrinkled Knees Joe Aroeste Joe Aroeste Joe Aroeste
Mommy/Witch Elizabeth Austin Elizabeth Austin Elizabeth Austin
Company Michaela Hughes Michaela Hughes Micharla Hughes
Company Helena Binder Helena Binder Melinda Buckley
Company Nina Hennessey Nina Hennessey Anny Degange Holgate
Company Laura Carusone Laura Carusone Susann Fletcher
Company Scott Evans Scott Evans Steve Owsley
Company John Thomas Maguire III John Thomas Maguire III Gregory Butler
Company Betsy Normile Betsy Normile Andrea Wright

Raggedy Ann Review


Raggedy Ann - Original Demo Soundtrack

Rag Dolly In The USSR, A Documentary

Raggedy Ann - Audio Bootleg

A video discussing both the animated Raggedy Ann film and the stage musical. Skip to 9:05 for the parts discussing the stage musical.


External Links
