PetPet Park (lost online MMO game based on Neopets; 2008-2014)

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Revision as of 03:08, 5 December 2022 by Twilson1118 (talk | contribs) (added link to petpet park rebuild)
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The game's logo.

Status: Lost

The virtual pet website Neopets has had a couple of spinoffs over the years, whether they be games on the site or just different websites or apps altogether, including The Last Smiley, Neopets Mobile and PetPet Park. PetPet Park was opened in October 2008 by Neopets and Nickelodeon Kids & Family Virtual Worlds Group[1] and focused on the Neopets' companions, Petpets.

Before it opened in October 2008, it started as a mini-plot in Neopets, where Neopians would go on missions to help agents "make sure any Petpets crossing over to Neopia arrive at Petpet Park safely".[2]


The game was similar to Neopets, with players having the ability to customize and feed their virtual pets. There was also 9 species of Petpets to choose from as of 2014 but started with six pets Pinoxy, kassegat, dyrm Oukins,dipni and hifflo. Later paid pets were added such as the puxa, mumbat and bandalu rebuild mostly from existing petpet art.

Restoration efforts

Two groups currently exist to rebuild petpet park with different focuses and objectives

online version

Petpet park rebuild[3] started in 2021 by cosmicpopstar

technical skills unknown,

offshoot of petpet project due to petpet project unwilling to make a online version

Offline version

Petpet Project rebuilding under Project X by kassegathdr4k

Started in 2014 by Admin gab as a memorial in 2014, early efforts were rooted in preserving and saving availible files on the web and seeking others doing the same early days didn't result in much of a actual game rebuild. many attempts

were done to preserve maps by youtube videos and etc

but the discovery of the maps by nary. made many of these

obsolete but the tutorial map.

Drama between the groups are killing the games survival as a whole

both groups are unfriendly with each other and dividing the petpet park rebuild effort isn't being very successful with multiple videos being made about the discords conduct mostly on the petpet project side, with petpet project mostly wanting to stay OUT OF such battles and build a game again.

Petpet Projects stance on community files

We believe that any group that finds files should also be fully rewarded for their efforts as well as how to get INTO the files if their unable.. this means properly crediting the group that found them in mentioning them, as well as sharing precisely how to put them together, and or etc. we do not believe individual artists work who redrawn art should be unless the artist agrees to it.

a line in the sand was found

in september 2022 a leak of neopets accounts was noted in the news and as a result, Petpet park Rebuild via the reddit user neo_truths recieved a list contained the following which petpet project was also able to obtain through alternate sources. this leak at least for what we got was only files for the park that were not user specific and did not have any user data present in them. also most are dated to 2008 or so.

petpet park petpet art for all six petpets(Pinixy,dyrm, kassegat, dipni, hifflo and oukin ) in swf form for base colors, includes four beta colored pinxiys. THe stock colored ones are availbile on

early beta art and animations for the petpets

a selection of clothes from the store wearable by the petpets

its notable that these files are NOT easily viewed even if you have flash and require extensive assembly in animate cc to even view.

the assembly was done on petpet project[4]( and shows many of these petpets in action. Petpet park rebuilds discovery of the files is in their progress video[5].

the second file cache in petpet project rebuilds october 2022 update

In the video also noted was a few games that petpet project was not able to look at , nor will petpet park rebuild share with petpet project to attempt to restore to our knowledge or other sources either . the source of this cache was not found by petpet project and while it looks completely viable to save many of these games, it seems very unlikely to save petpet park games with avatars due to its amount of code specific to its flash base. it appears that the world will not get to play these games until the needed skill to access them is obtained by petpet park rebuild and while petpet project and other groups are willing to provide this help, they refuse to accept the help or share the files


counting cluckens

screenshots of Wardrobe wars files

Beta Maps

early beta maps of petpet park were teased but were not shown whole and look to be zone files for petpet park to

load under openspce MMO engine. Petpet project HAS the openspace mmo engine files saved and can access them in flash, but petpet park rebuild is hostile to petpet project and likely isn't going to ask for help on this front.

Misc. content

photos of various quest pieces and etc are known about from the video [5]

UI elements are shown as well but not sure how they are accessing them.

Petpet park games that were reskinned for Neopets

Neeterball now known as Pakiko- game was located and is archived but not yet playable.

this file was found on but isn't loadable at the moment, preservation efforts are underway for this


Invasion blastoids

the original game in the park was called sword of the cyodake king and is accessable using the following url:

some quirks appear as ohter files were edited for the neopets game but this hopefully can be fixed.

other games that are found but not yet playable

Boat Blasters(neopets game : Coal war tactics) accessable by using V0 as the swf version for the game on neopets.

University exam was located and is currently being restored.

Games found on

Stack happy on flashpoint but broken due to a loading error(noted to fp)

Bonbon pickup same as above.

Games found on other sites:

Castle defender (on flashpoint) .

Unreleased games:

Files were found reflecting a reskin of the game Castle defender

called/ "pharows last stand" but was not looking


[1] [2]


In 2014, Neopets was acquired by the educational franchise JumpStart.[6] Many things would be moved to a different place, but Petpet Park was not included in this group of things included in the move, as stated in a news post by Neopets on September 9th, 2014. The game then closed down on the 18th.[7]

No playable versions of the game have surfaced since then, and in May 2017, Neopets stopped paying for the domain, and the site's current state is an advertising page unrelated to Neopets.[8]


Gameplay footage of the site.
