
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 06:04, 10 July 2024 by Zerovision (talk | contribs) (I've handed in my resignation, and I'm just gonna harrumph out of this place! Bye!)
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I have officially decided to resign from this wiki (and its forum) for my own safety.

As some friends have repeatedly accused the lost media community of misusing the term "lost media" (to the point of delusions and where it may as well be a slur for ALL media that isn't available online), being over-obsessive and extremely preachy, being too over-specialized in writing about media to actually get what they want (or resorting to dirty means to do the latter), groveling to all hell, searching when the answer may be right there, feigning intelligence, and a ton of bullying and unsavory things another friend talked about in a scathing rant... makes me feel like an absolute fool for being here. I will never be able to trust this community for the remainder of my life, and I'm deeply sorry for joining and contributing this wiki to begin with, so I quit. And I won't miss it. - Zerovision (talk) 06:03, 10 July 2024 (UTC)