Anyone remember the rip-off of this? (Hand at Work) Cause I created that rip-off.

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OMG, I remember this webshow, watched all the episodes, and LOVED ripping-off the heck from it (*cough cough* Hand at Work *cough cough* I learned better though *cough cough*). Though I wouldn't recommend putting up the episodes on YouTube, cause the creator of this webseries is probably ashamed of this, and will take down every episode of this webseries that shows up on YouTube. And when I try to look up the wiki on Internet Archive, I get a notice saying that the wiki's URL has been excluded from the site. I think the creator wants us to forget that this webseries existed.

Also, as I recall, these shorts were submitted to a Floridian Film Festival, and were aired on a public Floridian channel. Yep, I see why the creator wants us to forget Oobi at Work now, because he was likely sued by Viacom! Now that I think about it, I think Viacom is the one that wants us to forget the webseries!

P.S. Here's a list of all the episodes from OAW and NHH made, from a Weebly site I found, and was luckily archived:

P.S.S. I also remember the creator of this also made two other Oobi webseries, "Take a Bath, Oobi!" and "The Oobi Symphony".