User:Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu

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Hi! I'm new around here. I joined this wiki in 2021 to educate people about overlooked lost media and tell other new people what lost media is. I must warn you though, some of the media I want to talk about is NSFW and NSFL. I also hope to convince the wiki to make pages on foreign dubs, obscure videos on YouTube, newgrounds and other sites and fanfictions. I also hope to convince the wiki to make a subsidiary site intended only for NSFW and NSFL content. I hope I can drastically change this website and I really hope I don't break the rules on accident. I'd never do it intentionally. My lost media archive profile is the obscure media archiver. The sandbox I made on this wiki is getting updated often and might never be finished. I also have a sandbox on the lost media archive, which has media I experienced before 2010 and have no idea where it is or if it exists anymore. I have no sources for the existence of any of the media on either of my sandboxes, because my laptop has been having problems and I need to find a day to get it figured out. I also don't know how to make my own talk page, but that might change. For now, I must find as much forgotten lost media as possible.