Magical Drop DX (lost variants of mobile port of "Magical Drop 2" arcade game; 2000s)

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"Magical Drop DX" title screen, which most of its variants uses it as base.

Status: Lost

Magical Drop DX is the mobile port of the arcade game Magical Drop 2, which in turn is a port of the Super Nintendo version of the aforementioned (with elements of the first Magical Drop game). Developed by Matrix Software and published by G-Mode in 2004 for mobile phones in Japan only. This version of Magical Drop 2 lacks multiplayer features, only featuring two single-player modes, the Story mode and the Self-Challenge mode. The gameplay, however, remains largely the same as all other Magical Drop games: players are tasked to eliminate coloured balloons that drop down at the top of the game board. Stacking three balloons or more will result in the balloons disappearing and making frantic chain reactions and points to eliminate the opponent. If the balloons go down the game board, the game is over.

List of Variants

Over the course of the 2000s, variants of the game were made. [1] Mostly replacing the original characters (Fool, Devil, Chariot, World, Justice and Star) with characters from other IPs, such as Ragnarok Online.

Title Description Status
Magical Drop BATTLE Counterpart to Magical Drop DX with multiplayer features. Lost (screenshots exists)
Magical Drop: Monster Hunter Edition [2] Variant of the game with characters from Tecmo's Monster Hunter games (mostly from the then-upcoming 5th installment). Released in 2005, a year after the original game released. Lost (screenshots exist)
Magical Drop: Ragnarok Edition Variant of the game with characters from Ragnarok. Also released in 2005. Lost (screenshots exist)
Ekoeko Magical Drop (or Magical Drop: Emil Chronicle Online Edition) [3] Variant of the game with characters from GungHo's Emil Chronicle games. Interestingly, GungHo released a Flash version of II, which also remains lost. Released in 2007. Lost (screenshots exist)
Magical Drop Simplified version of the game, produced by G-Mode itself. Released in 2005. Lost (no screenshots or footage exist)


Today, the original version of the game is playable via the G-Mode Archives on Switch and PC (unless you have a Japanese Nintendo account for the former), but strangely, the .jar ROM remains completely undumped. The variants of the game, however, remain completely lost and undumped. Only existing as screenshots in various Japanese websites like G-Mode for Magical Drop BATTLE. Not helping manners as these variations, as well as the main game itself, were exclusive to Japan only.


Magical Drop Battle

Ekoeko Magical Drop

Magical Drop: Ragnarok Edition

External Links
