Gyaku Shaun Sai Hanri (found furry fangame of "Ace Attorney" game series; 2003)

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Cover of the game.

Status: Lost

Gyaku Shaun Sai Hanri (逆車云裁半リ) is a lost Ace Attorney fangame released in 2003. It was made by Cheshire (チェシャ). It is unknown where or when this game was available to play or to download.

The only available information (in English) comes from an entry on


The game stars anthropomorphic animal characters, with two who resemble "furry" versions of Phoenix Wright (as a wolf called Tanbo), Miles Edgeworth (as a panther called Renji) and the judge (as an owl), while all of the other characters appear to be original.

A surgeon, Abe, strangles a woman to death. In order to save his own hide, he decides to plant fake evidence in order to frame her sister.

Tanbo, an attorney, has to defend this young woman, Ukimo, facing Renji, the prosecutor.

Plot elements are reminiscent of the original Ace Attorney games, such as a murder in the opening scene with the perpetrator desperately preparing to frame someone else, defending a victim's sister accused of the crime or an antagonist wearing an electronic red shiny headpiece.

Graphics are directly based on the original game's but the music is original, possibly due to copyright issues.


There is footage of the game on YouTube, but it is unknown if it is the full gameplay or just the first part. An uploader claims there are no more playable copies of the game available.



Part 1 of footage.

Part 2 of footage.

Part 3 of footage.

Part 4 of footage.

Part 5 of footage.

Part 6 of footage.

Part 7 of footage.

Part 8 of footage.

Part 9 of footage.