I have beta screenshots.

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< Scribblenauts: Fighting Words (lost build of cancelled iOS adaptation of emergent puzzle-action video game series; 2014-2016)
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Hello! My name is Katie, I’m 13 and when I was younger my mother received an email for me to well beta test my favourite game, I head weak weak vocab for my age and it helped me. Anyway, I have some non-cropped images, one of the game icon next to Test Flight, another of the email & one of the game lobby (with the camp fire) but with some additional characters. If it’s still an interesting topic or anyone is interested, I could offer them screenshots? I’m not an active user of this wiki so I won’t use this account a lot so if an admin or however this works wishes for them please dm me on Instagram (@wheres.the.faygo) or Twitter (@I_PKLoveYou)