Some research on the executable and the webserver

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I checked out the below leads, the thirddaygames media server and the old executable download. After digging through the assets and code a little bit, it appears that the executable asks a now-defunct remote server for a version number, then if its lower begins an update routine. The game can't run without the assets from the update routine, which are downloaded on first run. Until we find a way to acquire those assets manually, the downloadable will remain defunct.

As for the media server, it seems to be mostly files that are essential to the running of the website. There IS an swf file in there that I couldn't get to run, perhaps that has the assets in it? There are also an assortment of misc files like random merchandise (and personal information, strangely enough?). Not sure how much of that media server is the actual game in question, much less the server infrastructure it needs to connect to.