Klay World: Off the Table (partially lost soundtrack from claymation comedy film; 2005)

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The film's DVD cover.

Status: Partially Lost

Klay World: Off the Table is a claymation comedy film released in 2005 by Robert Benfer. During the film's credits, there was a segment listing the music used. The film had numerous musicians work on it and all were credited. The soundtrack had a downloadable page where you can download some, but three songs that were listed "Murder of Crows", "Ultra F***", and "Dripping Taps" still haven't been found. The creator of the songs was credited to Thomas Mears (also known on the wiki page about the movie as the Thomas "Chainsaw Massacre" Mears).


The independent artists listed in the credits were: Man on Earth, Pram Maven, Astronaut, F.A.K.T., Dan "DjDTM" Harkin, Hamilton Cleverdon, Thomas Mears, Matt Fennell, Josh Britt, and Robert Benfer

Four Electronic Tracks were mostly made by Robert Benfer and created as background music (some lost, some found).

Five of Hamilton Cleverdon's Fully orchestrated tracks are all lost.

Four metal/rock influenced songs that were independently made then used in the movie (most found, some lost). There are more scenes in the film have songs influenced by metal/rock that still haven't been archived compared to the electronic ones.


  • On the Wiki page of the film listed a section about the soundtrack, however it has some differences.
  • On the Wiki page of the film, the song "Murder of Crows" shows the length of the song, so it was found at one point, but the other 2 songs' length were "??:??:??.???". It's uncertain if the person actually did have the song, or it was an accident.
  • In the credits, the name was just "Thomas Mears". On the Wiki page the full name was Thomas "Chainsaw Massacre" Mears.
  • Hamilton Cleverdon was credited in the movie as "Hamilton Kleverdon" and on the Wiki page.
  • Someone named "Roxor" was credited to the song "Ultra F***" on the Wiki, but on the movie's credits it was shown to be made by Thomas Mears.


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