
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 22:27, 11 October 2022 by Springrot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Information== Hello! My name is Maria, but my online personage is known as "springrot" (It is lowercase on purpose). I use they/them most of the time, mainly because I am Ge...")
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Hello! My name is Maria, but my online personage is known as "springrot" (It is lowercase on purpose). I use they/them most of the time, mainly because I am Genderfluid; I am also Bisexual. I enjoy geography, vexillology, and discovering lost media, among other things. Historical lost media specifically is quite interesting. I was born in the United States, but I have an ethnic background (and citizenship) in Uruguay, a southeastern Latin country. Tambien hablo espanol, pero estoy tratando de aprender Frances, Aleman, e Italiano!


I have various accounts on various media platforms, from Instagram to Reddit (gotta find stuff somewhere, right?). If you need to contact me, my discord is springro#1228, however, I am not responding to anything for a while (sorry!).

LOST Media

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to contribute much, but I have recently made a post describing a "prototype" of a film made in 1915; The Birth of a Nation! Coincidentally, the sequel to Birth (The Fall of a Nation) is also lost media! Other than that, I haven't found much. Hopefully this section is updated soon!