
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 17:37, 9 January 2023 by F1shCake (talk | contribs) (Added pages I added and pages I plan to write)
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I got into lost media because of the Doctor Who missing episodes, and after learning about all the other lost media out there, I want to do my best to help catalog them and maybe find them.

They/Them or Xe/Xem pronouns please.


Lost Epics of the Trojan Cycle (partially found epic poems; 800 B.C.-568 B.C.) The Dream Woman (lost drama horror film; 1914) The Quatermass Experiment (partially found BBC sci-fi serials; 1953) Doomwatch (partially lost BBC sci-fi TV series; 1970-1972) Diamanda Hagan Reviews (partially lost online video review series; 2009-2016)


My focus is on old BBC shows and Ancient Classical Literature. My initial plans are to make arcticles on the Lost Plays of Athenian Playwrites Euripides, Aeschylus, and Sophocles.


My youtube channel is Notes From the Void And this is my Twitter