User talk:Always Searching

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Revision as of 22:27, 8 April 2023 by Always Searching (talk | contribs) (this is a show that I need help finding and have no information on.)
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Hi, I need help. there is this show I remember watching when I was a toddler which i am just going to call the amiibas because it sort of sounds familiar to the show, I remember watching this sometime around 2011 and I can't find this show. so it had three main characters with the character designs similar to yo gabba gabba but the art style more like mixels. there was a blue one which I am going to call blue, a pink one which I am going to call pink, and a yellow one which i am going to call yellow. pink and blue had very similar designs aside from the color and eyelashes and "hair", they were a sort of rectangle shape with one eye and 3 stripes on their body, being a darker shade than the normal body color. they also had basic stick figure legs but no arms. nobody in show spoke or said words but just made little squeaks. blue had a crush on pink and always tried to get her attention, but pink was always so clueless and never noticed him. blue would always go out and try anything he could to get pinks attention be he never could. he was also the main character. yellow had a different design then pink, being curved like a half circle with some wide legs and two eyes with a big mouth hanging out. he was always doing something else than the others mostly and kind of wandering off. he was also very stupid, and I remember one particular scene where he saw a trail of what looked like candy and kind of looked like the cut the rope candy, so he ate them as he followed the trail but found it was poop from an elephant and then yellow got grossed out and scraped his tongue off with his legs. there was a side character i am going to call logoy. logoy was actually on the logo of one of the companies that appeared briefly at the beginning of every episode. he had one big square eye that also acted like a body, and he had four legs coming out of each side of his body so he could just roll and sort of looked like the nazi symbol but rotated to be a square but that wasn't intentional. he made potions in a little shop which was in a hill, and you could see the door in that hill that led to his shop at the begging of every episode. the main characters would come to him time to time for potions for something. then there is a character I am going to call Goldie. Goldie was a side character and was designed like blue and pink but was colored a dark yellow/gold color different then yellow. Goldie just worked at all of the jobs and stores all the time when they were around. I remember one specific scene where blue was at a barber shop getting his hair done and Goldie was the one working at it. that's about all I remember so if you know what this show is please help me.