Jurassic War (partially found French-Korean animated series; 2002)

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Jurassic Wars characters.jpg

The art of characters for the original title known as 쥬라기원시전

Status: Partially Lost

The Jurassic Wars (also known as Wars of Jurassic Period) animated series was made in 2002 with joint efforts of “RGP France” and a South Korean studio “Raon Pictures” (라온픽처스), directed by Lee Ki-young (총 감독) and Regis Ghezelbash, a person later on known in France for his work at building bridges with other countries professionals[1].

It is a series about the girl Niu who lives in the Jurassic Period of history, when dinosaurs were alive (and talking), — the princess of her small elf tribe, gifted with connection to magical powers. She's going on a quest for elemental relics with the aid of a silent boy Zar and a cowardly dinosaur Imp to stop the villain who wants to steal them first for their power. Niu is quite arrogant and bossy because of her royal blood, but she has to learn to respect nature and people around her to succeed in her quest and save her home from evil.


The show was loosely inspired by the videogame with a StarCraft-style gameplay titled “Jurassic Wars 2”. French studio was sponsoring the main production for the series (25% of overall funds) and responsible for distribution in Europe, while the Korean studio was working on the product itself.

  • General director: Lee Ki-young (총 감독).
  • Supervision: Jeong Se-young, Hong Jin-seong, Kim Hyun-dong.
  • Producer: Lee Sang-joo.
  • Chief Designer: Shin Byung-cheong.
  • Designer: Kim Do-sik.
  • Music/Sound Director : Lee Young-bin.


English dub, that was supposed to be aired in North America by the distributor company “Moonlight” in 2003[2], seems to be completely lost, though reportedly some kind of dub existed one time on DVD discs.

Russian and Korean professional dub, on the other hand, is partially available on the web. Russian dub was distributed on DVD's.

See: Jurassic Wars Russian dub (partially lost dub; 2005)

Episode List

Episodes were around 12 minutes long. The names of episodes are going to be in Korean and translated to English (note that the exact names of episodes in English dub currently stay unknown).

# Title Status Kor Status En
1 저주에 걸린 엘프족/The Elves Cursed Found Lost
2 자르와 만남/Meet Zar Found Lost
3 괴짜 영감 우불라/Weird Woobula Found Lost
4 겁쟁이 날프/Nalph the Coward Found Lost
5 동굴산의 비밀/The Secret of the Cave Mountain Found Lost
6 소매치기 공룡 쌕쌕이/Pilfering Dinosaur Found Lost
7 부라구 호수/Lake Buragu Found Lost
8 물의 신전/The Sanctuary of Water Found Lost
9 엄마가 된 임프/Nilph Becomes a Mother Found Lost
10 니우 위기의 순간/Niu's Moment of Crisis Found Lost
11 카누스 대 데몬/Kanus vs the demon Found Lost
12 임프의 배신/The Betrayal of Nilph Found Lost
13 데카의 변신/Deca's Transformation Lost Lost
14 공룡 무덤/Dinosaur Tomb Lost Lost
15 대역전/Great War Lost Lost
16 알로에게 생긴 일/What happened to Alo Lost Lost
17 티라노 계곡의 전투/The Battle of the Tyrannosaurus' Valley Lost Lost
18 네 번째 신물/The Fourth Relic Lost Lost
19 무쌈바니의 추억/The Memory of Mu-sam-wa-ri Lost Lost
20 지구의 배꼽/The Navel of the Earth Lost Lost
21 다섯 번째 신물/The Fifth Relic Lost Lost
22 빼앗긴 신물/The Relic is Lost Lost Lost
23 탄생의 신비/The Sacrament of Birth Lost Lost
24 파수라 해전/Pasura Naval Battle Lost Lost
25 구리아 섬으로/Guria's Island Lost Lost
26 신비한 파포의 샘/The Mystical Papo Spring Lost Lost


The first episode in Russian dub

External Links


  1. The article on initial run of this show, retrieved at 17 Aug '23
  2. Announce for the airing of the show, retrieved at 17 Aug '23.