The New York Centerfold Massacre (partially lost horror film; 1985)

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The un-official cover.

Status: Partially Lost

The New York Centerfold Massacre is a short 1985 horror film released through Carlson International, directed by Louis Ferrilol. It was never distributed to home media any shape of form, only available through exclusive mail ordering. Half of the footage never saw the light of day, as they were deleted after the final cut and all the master copies were destroyed in a fire. As of now, new webcam footage was spliced in the first few minutes of the movie.


Models in Centerfold, New York are being slaughtered by an overprotective Christian mother with a potato sack over her head. Her methods contain chugging acid down their throats, knocking them out with a vibrator, and shining flashing lights at their faces. The police are under investigation, finding the one responsible for the grizzly murders.

The New York Centerfold Massacre

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