Oasis (lost TV footage of live performance of British rock band; 1992)

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Image of the live performance (taken by Paul Arthurs' (rhythm guitarist, center) sister.)

Status: Lost

In 1992, just a year after forming the Rain, Oasis had gotten the chance to play on a regional TV show. The performance took place on the 18th of July 1992 for an event called The Blackpool Roadshow, who had won a contract to supply programming to the annual ITV telethon. The nature of this broadcast has remained a mystery; however, due to sparse and sometimes misleading information regarding the broadcast (Including in Tony McCarroll's book Oasis: The Truth, where he mistakenly refers to this event as "Granada Red Nose Day 1993", despite red nose day being broadcast by the BBC). In 2011, some members of the missing episodes forum confirmed that the date of oasis' performance was actually 1992, and not 1993 as McCarroll had stated in his book.[1] It was also later confirmed in a fax sent by Paul Arthurs (Rhythm guitarist) that was auctioned off alongside the tape they mimed along to during the performance.[2]

The Performance

According to Tony McCarroll (from his book Oasis: The Truth), Oasis performed at the Granda Studios using Alan Stardust's (the host) gear. After a few drinks at the Rover's Return Pub (a replica which had been recreated for the Granada studio tour), they went onstage to a small audience of about 12 Granada staff, some members of the Salvation Army and a local school choir (some of whom were supposedly were frightened by frontman Liam Gallagher's aggressive stare). A short while later, the cameras began to record and the host Alan Stardust came out, introducing Oasis as having "just flown back to be with us from their tour", to which Liam replied: "We've just come from Burnage dickhead. We ain't on fuckin' tour", causing the crowd to laugh at the frontman stared the host offstage and the band began to mime along to a tape of their early song "Take Me"

After the performance, the band began to round up their crew and head offstage when they were almost hit by a jeep. This caused the band's leader to becoming annoyed and shout "The fuck you think you're doing, dickhead?", to which the driver (actor Simon Gregson) replied with an obscene gesture. Upon seeing this, Liam ran up to the car, which was stopped at the gate to the studio. The security guard opened the gate at the last minute. All of this, according to Mccarroll, was recorded on footage, as he says that the guard was "watching the replay on his little TV screen"

Apart from two pictures taken by Paul Arthur's sister, no material from this event has surfaced online.


Take me (the song performed on the show)

Recent interview with the lead singer where he recollects their drummer having to borrow Alan Stardusts drumkit (14:08)

External Links
