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< Found some new information about REC Dub
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I've done some further research.

By looking at which shows David Lee McKinney dubbed on behindthevoiceactors, and looking for shows that had both David and Emily Woo Zeller, I noticed that the show Air Gear (2007) was dubbed at a similar time, and had both voice actors. It stands to reason that it is very likely that the company that produced the dub for Air Gear also produced the Dub for REC.

After doing some searching I found that Russell Wait, a voice actor for the animax dub of Air Gear. After looking them up on linkedin I found that they worked for Omni Productions Ltd from Feb 2003 to Aug 2007, and from Jan 2007 - Present they worked for Red Angel Media Limited. Both of these companies are dubbing companies based in Hong Kong.

Based on the time-frame we are working with, it is unknown which of the two companies dubbed the show. I have reached out to Russell and am awaiting his response.

From our prior information, it is most likely that the show was dubbed in Hong Kong, and may have aired in various parts of south east asia.