Possibly made for 3DO - New lead?

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I've never seen this mention of the game being discussed before: http://users.polytech.unice.fr/~buffa/videogames/3do_faq2.4.html

The page, last updated on July 29th, 1994, is some sort of FAQ about 3DO, which seems to be an obscure and short-lived (93-96 ish) console: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3DO_Interactive_Multiplayer.

In section 4.8, titled "What software is going to be available for the 3DO?", The game C.I.T.Y 2000 Paris is named (with its publisher, Aditus, and type, "mystery") under the sub-heading "Software in production (not yet done, but officially announced)".

Unless I'm missing something, this leads me to believe that the game was actually being developed for the 3DO, not PC!

Update: Found another mention in a 3DO game list that mentions a Q4 1994 release: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./buffa/videogames/SCES94/GamestoComeBradDavidson.html