SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)

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A 2008 repost of the original SCP-173 post.

Status: Lost

The original SCP-173 post is a 2007 4chan post that lead to the creation of the SCP Foundation.


SCP-173 was a creepypasta posted to the /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007.[1] The post described the procedures needed to safely contain a paranormal statue that could move and attack people when not looked at. The SCP Foundation, a popular writing website and creepypasta series, originated from the post.[1]


4chan deletes old threads, so the SCP-173 submission was deleted shortly after it was posted. The text and image used in the post were saved, and can currently be viewed on the SCP Foundation Wikidot website.[2] However, many members of the SCP Foundation community and fandom have tried to find the original post or information about it.[3] Several archives such as the Yotsuba Society, the Chanarchive and many /x/ thread dumps stored on the Internet Archive were searched for the psot without success.[4]

Details known about the original post

The oldest surviving text of SCP-173 was posted on June 22, 2007 at 12:33 PM Greenwhich Mean Time (8:33 AM Eastern Standard Time).[5] In other words, the original post was made on or before June 22, 2007. The author of 173 posted under the username “USS Walrus”.[6] He initially planned to make a new SCP post every week, but lost internet access for a week and a half and forgot about the SCP Foundation until many years later. [6] In other words, the original author did not repost SCP-173.
