A Magic School Bus Halloween (found live-action/animated special of TV series; 1995)
"A Magic School Bus Halloween" was a TV special of The Magic School Bus that aired on October 31st, 1995. Unlike other episodes of the show, it included both live-action and animated sequences. Prior to its rediscovery, there was almost nothing confirming its existence, save for an old listing on TV Guide's website[1] and footage of the live-action intro.
According to TV Guide, the plot was about "A Halloween outing to a museum becomes an exhibit of fear when students become separated and meet a stranger who's full of stories. Among them is a tale about a kid's search for "the perfect sound" at a haunted house. Shown in live-action and animated sequences".
Featured Episodes
- "Inside the Haunted House"
- "Going Batty"
On January 3rd, 2016, Lost Media Wiki user Flowergothic found and purchased a VHS of the special, and they later uploaded it to their Google Drive.
- ↑ TV Guide's listing of the TV special (courtesy of the Wayback Machine). Retrieved 10 Dec '14