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I probably would've bought more if each "movie" wasn't being sold at $14.95 each. (Or at least if not for college and personal shizz consuming me then.) At least, that's what the first one was for me when I got it. That would've been 194.35 USD to buy the entire tv-series /dub/, digital-only.

Assuming they didn't leave reviews and lie just for the hell of it, it seems that at least 3 different people bought the "The Brat Prince's Great Strategy" "movie" (, and at least one person bought "The Magician and the Eleven/11 Boys" ( I'd LIKE to assume that even if not by one single person, someone bought them all, but at $14.95 a pop and it being an obscure dub that was released kinda out of nowhere, IDK. Though [technically] the files still have to be sitting on Amazon's servers (at least for what was bought?), and probably with the owners too.

(I also saw someone on Youtube who made an HD version of an episode, but they re-edited in text, and the VHS-audio over the Bluray footage, and while it's probably correct, I think they edited in the audio from the credits of the movie to make the intro again, since the VHS episode-rips don't have what should be the first few seconds of the intro. So technically I can't confirm the first few seconds of their intro is accurate to what was shown in Australia, audio-wise [though it probably is].)