I remember!

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MAN I never thought this game would become lost media. I just wanted to pop in and add some details I remembered that might be of interest. The description mentions visiting locations like from iCarly, but I'd like to confirm that the Watertower from Fanboy and Chum Chum was also a visitable location. Another detail is that there was a trivia quiz minigame of sorts where you stand on four different colored spots on a floor, with one color being the right answer. I only remember two questions: "What is Neville's last name?" "What is Chucky Finster afraid of?" (The answers being "Packerman" and "Everything!"). The first answer always stuck out to me because it was "Packerman" instead of Papperman, as if the devs weren't totally well versed with the show. If it helps to know, some furniture you were able to decorate included iCarly furniture (stuff like a gummy bear lamp for example), mainly inspired by that one episode where Spencer sets Carly's room on fire. Blast from the past! Sad to see this game lost to time, i hope my comment sheds at least a tiny bit more on this gem.

Edit: The Fanboy & Chum Chum wiki has screenshots of the Fan Lair from The Club!