Jhonen Vasquez mentioning Tak?

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I'm sure the Invader Zim fandom wiki and TVtropes aren't the most reputable sources, but I saw they both mentioned Jhonen being on a podcast and saying the Tak scenes were going to be in the movie. He also (supposedly) said that 1. There was going to be an after credits scene revealing Tak stowed away on her own ship, but it was cut because Jhonen didn't know if another movie or something like it was going to be made. 2. When Tak's ship creates the diversion on Moo-Ping 10, you would've seen Tak's silhouette, implying she was escaping, but for some reason it was never shown in the final version. Also knowing Jhonen, he could've just been lying, but I thought this was worth mentioning. And if I'm wrong, then blast me for it or something.