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You know hypno, I actually have a possible theory on how the cut footage might still exist today. I explained it in the top comment, but a quick “too long/didn’t read” for you, I believe some animator could have animated the deleted scenes and decided to preserve them, so their work would survive.

That, or Spielberg might be in possession of the cut footage, as in an interview he had back in 2001 (I think), he said he last remembered Spielberg had preserved the cut footage. Some people on tap-a-talk and the gang of five forums mentioned this, (which is literally my source) so take it with a grain of nice, delicious salt.

That said, we should ask Gary Goldman if he can go meet Spielberg and ask him about the cut footage. I, for one, would love to make an extended cut of the movie.

I can’t do it myself because I don’t have social media, so I am not that useful here unfortunately.