Insight into search difficulty

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As someone with first-hand knowledge of news production and online availability, I can say with confidence this one will be difficult.

If this was in fact used as a tease prior to a commercial break, that would not have been posted online with the story, since only the main package/live report/full story would have been paired with the online article on the station's website.

As to a hard copy of the source footage still existing, a few variables make this very difficult:

1. Since this is a tease on scene, it was either pre-recorded and existed on the photographer's tape. In this case, it could have been archived but would not include the "absolutely disgusting" banner that made it a meme in the first place.

2. This tease could have been done live, in which case it could still have been recorded by the field photographer, but it's not a given. The same applies from point 1.

3. In either case, that tape was most likely re-used multiple times. We cycled ours out after a week or so. News packages, b-roll, sound bites, etc, would have been logged in the station's media library. Whether a tease would have been included, I can't say. I didn't work for this station.

4. Each newscast would have been archived as a whole in the library. this WOULD include all graphics on-screen. This, of course, relies on UPN 9's tape library still existing. If it does, knowing who to contact, and how to get access would be key.

5. 2005 was in the era of hard-copy showreels and personal archives. If Brian O'Brien had a copy of this *entire* newscast, it would have been on tape or CD/DVD-R. Since he's deceased, that likelihood has dropped significantly. Were it 10 years later, I'd say chances are extremely good personal archives would be on YouTube or Vimeo.

This leaves the only other option as a video tape someone took of the newscast.

Overall, I think there are some big hurdles. That's not to say it's impossible. Hopefully I've helped with some food for thought, at least!