1up Box Unboxing!

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The link to 1up Box Unboxing! shows up as if the Wayback Machine has not archived it yet. I somehow got it to work once to see the upload date (November 10, 2015) and the description ( which mentioned in the links some kind of "Super Mario Sunshine Remix"). It didn't show the full description, but when I copied what was visible and then pasted it, it showed the full thing (The Super Mario Sunshine Remix portion didn't show until I did that)! Type this into the Wayback Machine: https://www.youtube.com/user/chadtronic/videos?view=0&shelf_id=1&sort=dd and see if you can get the video URL to work. I didn't take a capture of the text, but I have screenshots of the video and the shortened description. As soon as anybody sees this, the pictures should already be on the wiki. Edit: Here's the links to the proof: https://lostmediawiki.com/File:Screenshot_(126).png and https://lostmediawiki.com/File:Screenshot_(128).png I don't want to put these on this page, because they are too big.