Danger Rangers Children's Hospital PSAs (found trilogy of PSAs based on PBS Kids animated series; 2006)

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The poster for the series the PSAs were based on.

Status: Found

Date found: 21 Dec 2022

Found by: GokaiOrange

Danger Rangers was an animated series created by Educational Adventures that ran on PBS stations through the American Public Television service from 2005 to 2006 (though some stations continued to rerun the show as late as 2009) that taught various safety topics through example and music videos to educate, entertain and empower viewers to be more careful of their own surroundings and act properly in an emergency. As part of the show's many promotions, a trilogy of PSAs for a local hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina were made.[1]


On September 1st, 2006, it was announced that Educational Adventures had signed a partnership with the Charlotte Presbyterian Hemby Children's Hospital (now known as Novant Health Hemby Children's Hospital) to produce three PSAs for the hospital to promote both parties. Each commercial would feature the Danger Rangers interacting with kids to discuss safety and explain why one shouldn't be scared of visiting the hospital should an accident or illness warrant a hospital visit. Throughout the PSAs, footage of the hospital is shown.

The PSAs would air on Charlotte affiliates of NBC, CBS and ABC starting in late October of the same year and ran for an unspecified amount of time. As part of the promotion, Danger Rangers material like books and DVDs would be available in the hospital's waiting rooms, costumed Danger Rangers characters would make visits to kids in the hospital undergoing treatment and would be present in ads for the Charlotte Observer, school newsletters and jumbotrons at local sporting events.

According to Educational Adventures' CEO Mike Moore, the plan was to expand to other children's hospitals across the country, with plans for expansions in Austin, Texas and Columbus, Ohio. For various reasons, these expansions didn't end up happening.


For many years, these PSAs were unavailable and no recordings were known to exist. In December of 2022 however, a video showing all three of these PSAs was uploaded to YouTube by GokaiOrange after getting in contact with someone at Novant Health.


All three of the PSAs, uploaded by GokaiOrange.

See Also
