Fizzy's Lunch Lab (partially found Flash games based on PBS Kids web series; 2009-2021)

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A promotional image for the show.

Status: Partially Found

Fizzy's Lunch Lab was a web-exclusive PBS Kids series that lasted from 2009 to 2021. The show was fairly well-received, even garnering several Daytime Emmy nominations.[1][2] Like many of its other successful counterparts, it received a number of web games, most of which used Flash. Despite the positive reception, the show fell into obscurity, and even though the official website switched from Flash to HTML5 in 2015, the website ended up being taken down in 2021 for unknown reasons. While all of the episodes are accessible online via various websites, the show’s official website had an unusual GUI that made it so that nearly all of the web games made for the series were unable to run off-site, making any chance of archiving them near-impossible. As a result of this, most of the Flash games on the website are now lost.

Web Games

Game Title Status Game ID Additional Notes
Sully the Cell's Memory Match Lost MemoryMatchGame All assets are accessible via the Wayback Machine.
Fizzy's Balance Bots Found BalanceBotGame Accessible via Flashpoint; All assets are accessible via the Wayback Machine.
Mixie's Boogie Buffet Lost BoogieBuffetGame All assets are accessible via the Wayback Machine.
Freddy's Switcheroo Lost SwitcherooGame All assets are accessible via the Wayback Machine.
Kitchen Tour with Mixie Found KitchenTour HTML5 version is accessible via Flashpoint.
Safety Tips Found SafetyTips HTML5 version is accessible via Flashpoint.
Corporal Cup's Food Camp Partially Found FoodCampGame Accessible via Flashpoint, cutscenes and unlockable recipes are missing.
Hard Boiled Lost HardBoiledGame
Freestyle Fizz Lost RollerskatingGame
Supermarket Mania Lost SupermarketGame
Hectic Harvest Lost HecticHarvestGame
Escape From Greasy World Lost EscapeGreasyWorld
Freddy's Carnival Countoff Lost CountoffGame
Sully's Delivery Day Lost DeliveryDay
Snacker Stacker Lost SnackerStacker
Fresh Pick Partially Found FreshPick Android version found, cutscenes are missing. Web version is still lost.[3]
Food Truck Found FoodTruckGame HTML5 game, accessible via Flashpoint
